MDJ Records - Procedure
Effective July 1, 2010, the Supreme Court has approved a policy governing access to paper records of the Magisterial District Courts.
A request for access to official case records of the Magisterial District Courts may be made to either the Magisterial District Court from which the record is sought or from the Court Records Manager. Requests should identify or describe the record(s) sought with sufficient specificity to enable the Court Records Manager or the District Court to ascertain the appropriate records being requested.
Any written request, regardless if submitted to a Magisterial District Court or to the Court Records Manager, shall be submitted on an AOPC Request Form. A request may be submitted in person, by mail, email or facsimile. All paper records are accessible to the public except for information that is exempted pursuant to the Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Official Case Records of the Magisterial District Courts.