Downloadable Forms
Petition for Grant of Letters (RW02)
Inheritance Tax Return (Rev-1500)
Application for Refund of PA Inheritance Tax (Rev-1313)
Notice of Claim (Filed Pursuant to 20 Pa. C.S. § 3532) - (OC07)
Oath of Subscribing Witness(es) - (RW03)
Oath of Non-subscibing Witnes(es) - (RW04)
Notice of Estate Administration Pursuant to Pa. O.C. Rule 10.5 - (RW07)
Certification of Notice under Pa. O.C. Rule 10.5 - (RW08)
Pa. O.C. Rule 10.6 Status Report - (RW10)
Audit Statements
Petition for Adjudication - Decedent's Estate - (OC01)
Petition for Adjudication - Trust Estate - (OC02)
Petition for Adjudication - Guardianship of Incapacitated Person - (OC03)
Petition for Adjudication - Guardianship of Minor - (OC04)
Petition for Adjudication - Principal's Estate (Under Power of Attorney) - (OC05)
Notice of Charitable Gift (In Accordance with Pa. O.C. Rule 4.4) - (OC06)
Important Notice: Citation with Notice (Pa. O.C. Rule 14.5) - (G01)
Guardian's Inventory - Incapacitated Person