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Pardon Project Of Beaver County Eligibility

Pardon Project

The Pardon Project offers free counseling to eligible individuals. In Pennsylvania, Pardons are only granted to people who have fully completed their period of incarceration, parole and/or probation for a crime under Pennsylvania law (not federal or any other state). All applicants are subject to preliminary review on a case-by-case basis. People accepted into the Program receive Pardon Coaching and other assistance in how to best complete the pardon application form and free copies of the court records that must be attached to the pardon application. Those who are not accepted will be given information about where they can go for help. Here are our Program’s requirements for free service:

  • You must live in Beaver County.
  • Your household income must be lower than 200% of the federal poverty line – so, for example, if you live by yourself, your income needs to be below $30,120, or if there are 3 other people in your family, it needs to total less than $62,400
  • You must have completed your sentence at least 5 years ago (10 years ago if your crime involved sex, children, guns, or violence against someone else), and you must not have any open or pending cases.
    • You cannot have been convicted at any time and in any jurisdiction of any offense where what you did caused or resulted in death or serious bodily injury, and cannot be registered under Pennsylvania’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.
  • If you have alcohol, substance abuse, or mental health problems in your past, you must demonstrate past and continuing commitment to appropriate treatment programs. (A “clean date” of at least 5 years ago is best.)

Potential clients will be counseled about the Board of Pardons’ policy that requires payment of, or payment plans for, unpaid court fines, fees, costs, and restitution.

These criteria can be changed at any time without notice. The Pardon Project and all of its volunteers have the right to decline assistance to any individual at any time for any or no reason.

Criteria as of February 20, 2024

To apply for assistance by the Beaver County Pardon Project, email your name, date of birth and contact information to: